Select Accounts
Payable (option # 40 from the main menu)
Select Voiding a
Check (option # 70 from the Accounts Payable menu)
Your screen will look like this:
Type the check number you want to void and press
Type the bank code of the bank the check was written on
and press <enter>.
Type the effective date (date check is being voided) and
press <enter>.
Type the reason you are voiding the check and press
Type “N” and press <enter> to reinstate the vouchers
the check paid as unpaid.
Type “Y” and press <enter> to void the vouchers the
check paid as well.
Type “V” and press <enter> to void the check. The Void option should be used if the check
number being voided will not be used again.
Type “R” and press <enter> to reverse the
check. The Reverse option should be used
if the check was a manually written check and the check number was entered
incorrectly and is to be used again at a later date.
Type “Y” and press <enter> to verify the void.
Type “N” and press <enter> to start over.
The program will confirm the bank code and check number
has been voided and return to the check number prompt.
You can void another check or type “\” and press
<enter> if you are finished.