“Freezing” an Inventory Item



Occasionally the need arises to “freeze” the sale of an inventory item.  Codis allows you to freeze the item yet still accrue backorders.


Here’s how it works:


Select Inventory Management (#20) from the Main menu.


Select Inventory Files Maintenance (#30) from the Inventory Management menu.


Select Product File Changes (#70) from the Inventory Files Maintenance menu.



Type the manufacturer code <enter> at the “Manufacturer” prompt.


Type the part number <enter> at the “Part Number” prompt.



Type 59 <enter> at the “Line # to edit” prompt.


Type Y <enter> <enter> at the “Unable to ship – vendor hold” prompt.



Type Y <enter> at the “Update record” prompt.


The item has now been frozen. 


Codis prints a text message stating “Unable to ship part <298090S> - vendor hold - B\O's allowed(P,B)” on any subsequent orders.  Here’s an example: