EDI Setup for Outgoing PO’s

Manufacturer Order Codes (Code type ‘OC’)

Defines the order type codes required (allowed) by the manufacturer.

Mfg. Code

The CODIS manufacturer code.

Mfg. Order Code

The vendor’s order code.

Order Code Description

The description of the order code

Transmit (Y/N)

 ‘Y’ if this order type can be transmitted.

      ‘N’ if this order type can not be transmitted. 

Vendor PO Information (Code type ‘VP’) 

Vendor Number –

The CODIS vendor number used for purchase orders

Whse Code –

The warehouse code for which this ‘VP’ record is being set up.

Mfg. Code –

The CODIS Manuf. Code for which this VP record is being set up.

Vendor Cust. ID –

The customer number assigned by the vendor for this warehouse.

Regular Order Code –

The vendor’s order code for regular orders.

Emergency Order Code –

The vendor’s order code for emergency orders.

          Dropship Order Code –

The vendor’s order code for drop shipments.

Emerg. Drpship Order Code –

The vendor’s order code for emergency drop shipments.

Engine symbols –

The CODIS Product codes used for engines separated by a comma. This is used only for Briggs.

EDI Sender ID –

This field can override the trading partner ID in the ‘NM’ codes record. This is necessary if more than one warehouse exists and each warehouse has a different account number with the vendor, and the vendor cannot handle transmission of that account numbers in the EDI transaction set. Instead the vendor requires that PO’s for each warehouse be transmitted using a different trading partner ID.

Full-auto transmit –

 ‘Y’ if transmittable PO’s are to be automatically selected for transmission.

‘N’ if transmittable PO’s must be manually selected for transmission. 

Description of Manufacturer Code (Code type ‘NM’)

Manufacturer Code

The CODIS manufacturer code for which this record is being set up.

Code Description

The name for this manufacturer.

Part # reformat ID

The number of the routine used by the price change program (IM6201) to modify part numbers for this manufacturer code (i.e. ‘remove leading zeroes’)

Price Change ID

The number of the routine in IM6201 to be used to make price changes from a machine readable price file.

UPC Manufacturer Code

The manufacturer code defined for this manufacturer’s UPC bar codes.

This is no longer used.

EDI Trading partner ID

The trading partner ID assigned for this manufacturer. This is the ID that comes in and goes out on the //STX record of the CODIS EDI flat file.

EDI files location

The directory where the EDI files to be transmitted, are located.

EDI-850 xlate ID#

The routine number in program IM0901 used to build the 850 transaction set for this vendor.

Allow Whse(s)

The warehouse codes (separated by a comma), which have access to this manufacturer. This is respected by order entry and PSINQ. If this field is left blank, then all warehouses have access to this manufacturer.

Lifo Factor

Used by IM2650 to calculate the lifo cost of a part number.

8-chr desc. On Inv.

This replaces the manufacturer code on the printed invoice. It is used to provide a clearer description of the manufacturer than just the manufacturer code.

The Trading Partner Codes Record – ‘TP’

This record is required for trading partners who have more then one CODIS customer number (i.e. mass merchant with many stores where each store has its own CODIS customer number).

If the trading partner has a single CODIS customer number, then the default TP record for trading partner ‘STX-12” is used.

Trading Partner ID

Up to eight characters which uniquely identify this trading partner. This is the ID that comes in from and goes out in the //STX record of the CODIS flat file.

Name of Trading Partner

Up to thirty characters for the trading partner’s name.

Bill-to Customer Acct #

This is used only for Sears EDI and is the CODIS bill-to customer number assigned to Sears.

870 Transaction Cust #

This is used only for Sears.

Ship-to Customer prefix

If the trading partner has multiple CODIS customer numbers, and those customer numbers are formed from the customer’s store number and a CODIS assigned prefix (i.e. ‘HD1234’ for Home Depot store number 1234), this field stores that customer number prefix. With this feature enabled, it is not necessary to define each of the stores in the CUSINT file.

DC codes for Order offset

This is used only for Sears. This DC code defined the G/L clearing account that is used to zero out individual Sears invoice. The total amount of all the zeroed invoices for the day is then billed to Sears on a single 810 transaction which is charged to this same DC code. 

Batch Prefix Letters

This is used only for Sears. This prefix is used on the filename used for batches transmitted to Sears. The actual batch name is this prefix plus the current date.

Remit to ID (AP)

Source ID (vendor #)

Default Dept #

Default Sales –Div

Default Mfg Code

The preceding five fields are used only for Sears.

Directory for Xmit Files

This is the directory (logical) where the files to be transmitted to this trading partner are located (usually STX:)

OE5200 Invoice Routine

The routine number in OE5200 that is used to create 810 transactions for this trading partner.

Whse. Network Receiver ID

This field is no longer used.

Customer Interchange File

This file is used to translate the trading partner ID and incoming customer ID to a CODIS customer number. This record is required for trading partners who have a single CODIS customer number, and for trading partners who have more than one CODIS customer number and those customer numbers are not constructed from the store number and an alpha prefix (i.e. HD1234 for Home Depot store 1234).

Trading partners whose customer numbers can be constructed from the store number and defined prefix do not need this record.

Trading Partner ID

For a trading partner that has more than one CODIS customer number and those customer numbers are not constructed form a store number and alpha prefix (i.e. HD1234 for Home Depot store 1234) this field contains the trading partner ID that comes in on the //STX CODIS flat file record.

Incoming Customer ID

For the trading partner who has a single CODIS customer number this is the trading partner ID that comes in on the //STX flat file record.

For the trading partner who has multiple CODIS account numbers, this is the store identification from the incoming NT segment.

CODIS customer number

This is the CODIS customer number for this trading partner od this trading partner and store number.

Def. Ship/BO code

This can be used to define the backorder code to be used for this trading partners orders. Legal values are 1,3, or 4.

Def. PO#

This can be used to specify a standing purchase order number for this trading partner.

Def. EM-BO ship-via

This can be used to specify a ship via code to be used for drop ship orders from the factory to this trading partner.

Ord. Spcl. Handling

‘N’ – no special handling.

‘Y’ – suspend the order.

‘B’ – suspend the order is anything on the order can’t be shipped.

Keep messages with BO’s

‘Y’ – messages that come in on an order will be propagated to any backorder releases from the order.

‘N’ or blank – messages do not propagate to backorder releases.

Print messages on Invoice

‘Y’ – any messages coming in with the order will be printed on the invoice.

‘N’ or blank – incoming messages are not printed on the invoice.

Outgoing Trad. Part. ID

This is used as the trading partner ID for outgoing 810 transactions. It is usually the same as the incoming trading partner ID (either field1 or field 2 above). If the trading partner required that 810 transactions go to a trading partner ID that is different than the one under which the incoming PO (850) was received, that ID should go here.

External Vendor ID

This is the vendor ID assigned to the Central by the trading partner.

Special Printer name

If the order received form this trading partner have to print on a printer other than the default pick ticket printer, the name of that printer goes here.

Send 855-ACK via EDI

‘Y’ – the system creates 855 transactions for incoming 855’s.

‘N’ or blank – no 855’s are created.

Manufacturer Interchange File (MFGINT)

This file is used to translate the customer’s manufacturer code to the CODIS manufacturer code and vice versa.

CODIS customer number

The bill-to customer number customer number.

Customer Manuf. Code

The manufacturer code used by the customer.

CODIS Manuf. Code

The manufacturer code used in CODIS.

Part Decode Data

Add records to MFGINT.DAS

Add records to VENINT.DAS








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Copyright © 2007 Consolidated Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 08/04/08.