Typical packout procedure – step-by-step

1.      At the ‘Order :’ prompt, scan the barcode on the pick ticket.

2.      If you wish to record the ‘Picker’ information, scan the appropriate barcode(s) next.

3.      Next, you will scan all the items with barcodes as you put them in the shipping carton.

·        When scanning items, you can enter a quantity followed by a comma before scanning the part  (example - 10,~scan~)

·        If you scan a part that is not on the order, you will be notified with instructions.

·        If you scan a part, causing the total scanned quantity to exceed the pick ticket ship quantity, you will be notified with instructions.

4.      When only items without barcodes are left (or all items are in the box), scan the ‘Finish’ scan-code.

·        If any ship quantities were changed, a reprint of the ticket MAY occur.  If it does you will be notified, and prompted to get the reprint and put it in the box.

            Go to the next ticket UNLESS there are items left to put in the box,

            or if the screen tells you that there are still open items on the ticket.

5.      A screen will come up letting you use the scrolling keys to highlight each remaining part.  When the part you are about to put in the box is highlighted, enter the quantity (using the keyboard) for that part, then press the ‘Enter’ key.

·        If you enter a quantity causing the scanned/entered quantity to exceed the pick ticket ship quantity, you will be notified with instructions.

·        If you select an item on this screen more than once, the quantity you enter will be ADDED to the previous quantity(s) entered, and the total will be displayed.

6.      When finished entering all remaining quantity(s), scan the ‘Finish’ scan-code.  If any items still remain open, a box will pop-up on the screen, showing the open items that still remain.  You will also be asked to verify that you still want to finish the packout. (See ‘re-print’ note under #4, above)







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Copyright © 2007 Consolidated Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 08/04/08.